

한국 요델 협회 로고

Chapter 1 (General Provisions)

  Article 1 - Name
    This organization is called the 'Korea Yodel Association'.
  In Korean, it is expressed as the '한국 요델 협회'.
  Article 2 - Purpose
    This association aims to contribute to the development of the association by promoting friendship among members through music, purifying social emotions, researching and distributing Yodel, Swiss-centered folk music, promoting sound development, and strengthening ties between branches across the country.
  Article 3 - Location
    This association shall have an executive in Seoul Metropolitan Government and shall establish and operate branches as necessary.
  Article 4 - Operations
    This association has a board of directors and an executive board and is operated by the board of directors.

Chapter 2 (Members)

  Article 5 - Members
    Members of this association shall be comprised of the following full members, associate members, special members, and individual members.
  1. Full members are organizations that have been engaged in activities based on applications for admission for more than one year as quasi-members, and are promoted by board resolution and have the right to speak, voting rights, and voting rights. (The existing Korea Edelweiss Yodel Club, Korea Basel Yodel Club, Incheon Engianyo)The Dell Club, Gwangju Ensian Yodel Club, Busan Alfino Seyodel Club, Daegu Alfino Seyodel Club, Masan Alfino Seyodel Club, and Ulsan Alfino Seyodel Club recognize their vested interests.)
  2. Semi-members and individual members may participate in association events as witnesses under Article 6 as those who agree with the purpose of Article 2.
  3. Special members shall be institutions that are interested in and cooperate with the plenary session other than the preceding paragraph.
  4. Members (regular members, associate members, and special members) shall not use the same name registered with the association and shall be qualified upon consent while maintaining a smooth relationship with the local club.
  5. Special members shall be institutions that are interested in and cooperate with the plenary session other than the preceding paragraph.
The conditions for individual membership shall be prescribed in the "Regulations on Individual Membership".
  Article 6 - Admission
  1. When you intend to join the plenary session, you must submit an application for membership and consent form, and pay the membership fee after approval by the board of directors.
  2. The admission amount is set at 300,000 won for quasi-members and 30,000 won for individual members.
  3. Qualifications for application for quasi-membership shall be in accordance with the following provisions.
  1) an organization named the Yodel Club
  2) an organization that holds regular Conferences in a fixed place
  3) An organization with more than 10 members and executives who completed the inauguration ceremony
  4) An organization that meets the requirements of (1), (2), and 3) and obtains the consent of the same local club
  Article 7 - Compliance with Rules
    The member of this association shall do his/her best to protect the members, shall not engage in fraudulent acts, and shall comply with the provisions of the Act do.
  Article 8 - Discharge
    A person who has been suspended or expelled from the membership due to sanctions as a regular member of this association may return to the membership by resolution of the board of directors if it is deemed certain that the improvement is normal.
  Article 9 - Change of Representative
    When this member of the association changes his/her representative, he/she shall report it to the association within one month from the date of the change.

Chapter 3 (Executives)

  Article 10 - Number of executives
    The association has the following people.
  1. President of the association: 1
  2. Vice-President: 2 people (1 man and woman each)
  3. Director of General Affairs: 1
  4. Director of Finance: 1
  5. Audit: 1
  6. The president may form a subcommittee if necessary, and the results of the operation shall be reported to the board of directors.
  Article 11 - Election of executive
  1. The next President and vice-President will be elected by the board of directors
  2. The audit is taken for granted by the president of the previous year's association.
  3. The secretary and treasurer are appointed by the president.
  4. The appointment of executives is a mutual election, but it is decided by anonymous voting.
However, depending on the situation at the time, the election method may be changed by the resolution of the board of directors.
  Article 12 - Duties
  1. The Association-President shall preside over the Conference on behalf of this Association and shall President the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
  2. The Vice-President shall assist the Association-President and act on behalf of the Association-President in the order prescribed by the Board of Directors during the Association-President's notice.
  3. The auditor may audit the work and accounting of this association and attend the board of directors to state his/her opinions.
  4. Those who are sanctioned by each club shall lose their qualifications as executives.
  Article 13 - Term of executive
    The term of executive of an executiver shall be two years.
  Article 14 - by-election
  1. When there is a vacancy in the executive, a by-election shall be held as necessary.
  2. The term of office of an executive elected by a by-product shall be the remaining period of his predecessor.
  Article 15 - Torture, Honorary Adviser, Honorary Director
  1. There may be some advisors, honorary advisors, and honorary directors according to the needs of this association.
  2. An advisor shall be a member who has knowledge and virtue and has served as the president of the association of this association and is appointed by the resolution of the board of directors and allows it.
  3. The advisor may attend and speak at the board of directors and have voting rights while consulting on the operation of this association.
  4. Honorary advisors shall be appointed by the president of the association by resolution of the board of directors from among persons familiar with Yodel, and their term of office shall be 2 years.
  5. An honorary director is a person who is appointed by the president of the association by the resolution of the board of directors from among those who provide help to the association's external cooperation, and his/her term of office shall be 2 years.
  6. Honorary advisors and honorary directors must use the advice of this association.

Chapter 4 (Conference)

  Article 16 - Conference
    The Conference of this association shall be an executive Conference with the board of directors and shall be convened by the president of the association.
  Article 17 - Board of Directors
  1. The board of directors shall be the board of directors and the board of directors.
  2. The regular board of directors shall convene in March every year, and shall notify the full members one week before the opening of the Conference by stating the date, time, place, and additional matters.
  3. The extraordinary board of directors shall convene it in the following cases.
  1) When the president of the association deems it necessary
  2) When the board of directors or at least 3/1 of full members sign and seal and present in writing the reasons for the convocation and matters to be opposed
  Article 18 - Composition of the Board of Directors
  1. The president of the association, vice president of the association, general affairs, finance, auditor, etc. and five association executives and advisors are ex officio, and voting rights are limited to four per full-time member club, including association executives and advisors.
  2. Since clubs in Daegu and Ulsan do not have regular Conferences, the qualifications of the board of directors are temporarily restricted until club activities such as regular Conferences are normalized.
  Article 19 - Method of resolution of the Board of Directors
  1. The board of directors shall be established with the approval of at least 1/2 of its members.
  2. If the number of pros and cons is the same, it shall be decided by the Speaker.
  Article 20 - Delegation of Voting Rights
  1. In exercising voting rights at the board of directors, directors may perform voting rights by having executives of each club attend by proxy.
  2. When acting on behalf of voting rights, a power of attorney must be submitted in advance
  3. Voting rights shall be one vote for one member.
  Article 21 - Resolutions of the Board of Directors
    Opinions and reports to the board of directors are as follows.
  1. Amendment and modification of the articles of incorporation
  2. Election of executives
  3. Matters concerning budget and settlement of accounts
  4. Business plan
  5. Determination of membership fees
  6. Dissolution of this association and related matters
  7. Matters concerning member sanctions
  8. Other projects deemed necessary by the president of the association
  Article 22 - Establishment of the board of directors, matters to be resolved
  1. The board of directors shall be established with the attendance of a majority of the directors, and a resolution shall be made by a majority of the number of people present.
  2. If the number of people in favor and the number of people against are the same, the decision of the president of the association is taken.
  Article 23 - Minutes
    The minutes containing the status of each board of directors shall be prepared, signed and sealed by the participants, and kept after the accuracy thereof Keep it.
  Article 24 - Executive Council
  1. The executive meeting shall be composed of the president of the association, vice president of the association, general affairs, secretary, auditor, etc., and the president of each club (Korea Edelweiss, Korea Basel, Incheon Engineering, Gwangju Ensian, Busan Alpine, Masan Alpine).
  2. The executive meeting can be convened by the president of the association at any time if necessary.
  3. The executive meeting may discuss and decide on various tasks of the association that do not violate Article 21 (Resolution of the Board of Directors).

Chapter 5 (Business)

  Article 25 - Business
    The association may carry out the following projects to achieve its second purpose.
  1. National Camp
  2. Regular performances of each club
  3. Yodel Lessons and Swiss Folk Instruments Lessons
  4. Overseas performance
  5. Other projects to achieve the business purpose of this association

Chapter 6 (assets and accounting)

  Article 26 - Expense
    The association covers expenses with membership fees, membership fees, operating income, subsidies, and other income.
  Article 27 - Reserves
    This association may set aside funds and reserve funds for certain purposes.
  Article 28 - Investment
    In this association, the fund may be invested equally by members for a specific project.
  Article 29 - Fiscal Year
    The fiscal year of this association shall be from March of this month to February of the following year.
  Article 30 - Auditing
    The shall submit various matters, such as affairs, expenses, etc. to the auditor 10 days before the regular board of directors is held, and submit them to the regular board of directors after receiving the audit.
  Article 31 - Audit Report
    The auditor shall examine all matters under the preceding Article and report them to the regular board of directors.

Chapter 7 (Prize and Punishment)

  Article 32 - Rewards
    A person who has made a remarkable contribution to the maintenance and development of the plenary session may be rewarded.
  Article 33 - Regulation of Activities
    When any of the following acts as a regular member, the board of directors shall take into account the normal status and issue a warning, suspension of membership, or expulsion.
  1. A member who has committed an act in violation of Article 2
  2. Regarding the collection of membership fees
  3. Attendance at events organized by the board of directors or associations
  4. If the prestige of the association is seriously damaged
  Supplementary Provisions
    This Articles of Incorporation shall come into effect as of March 10, 2021.
  Supplementary Provisions
    This Articles of Incorporation shall come into effect as of November 17, 2021.
  Supplementary Provisions
    This Articles of Incorporation shall come into effect as of March 28, 2022.

Regulations for Individual Membership

  Article 1 - Purpose
    The purpose of this Regulation is to specify the conditions for individual membership based on Article 5 (5) of the Regulations.
  Article 2 - Conditions for Individual Membership
    Where a person expelled from the association's regular member club applies for an individual member, the board of directors shall hold a deliberation procedure only with the prior consent of the relevant club.
  Article 3 - Qualification of Individual Members
    Where a person who has been active in a regular member club of the association applies as an individual member, he/she shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the relevant club.
  Article 4 - Application Form for Individual Membership
    An application form for individual membership shall be in accordance with [attached Form 1].